DuPage Peace Through Justice Coalition
Discussion Group

The DPTJ Coalition invites you to participate in its monthly discussion meetings about the burning issues of war and peace in today's world.  The purpose of these discussions is to open up space for people to build a community of opposition to the so-called wars against terrorism being waged around the globe by the U.S. government.  Instead of being marginalized by the government, the media and all the official apologists of the status quo of war without end, our discussions will allow us to express our own humanity and learn from each other.  They will help us to not only learn the facts of what role the U.S. is actually playing in the world today, but also assist us in drawing conclusions about the fundamental causes and objectives of U.S. foreign policy.  In this process different opinions will be expressed, and this is a good thing as it allows us to investigate more thoroughly and strengthen our convictions in building a movement conscious of its aims and tasks.


SOCIALIZING & SNACKS FROM 6:30-7:00: Let's make this a pot-luck of snacks. Ethnic dishes would be especially appreciated. Only those who wish to bring something should do so, however. Folks seem to eat very lightly at these events, but they do enjoy sharing a little food before the discussion starts.

DISCUSSION FROM 7:00 - APPROX. 8:00 p.m.: Folks are welcome to linger until about 9:00.


LOCATION:The First United Methodist Church of Downers Grove

PARKING: The church has an ample parking lot which we are welcome to use. Enter the church from the west parking lot. Walk up the stairs half a flight and the PARLOR, in which we'll be gathering, stands directly in front of you.

Hope to see you!
Lillian Moats & Mike Ross