Dailey Herald "Fence Post", December 10, 2001

Naive notions on dealing with terrorism

I am amazed by how many absurd things can be said in such a small space. I am talking about John Zimmerman's interviews with proponents of "peace" in Afghanistan, among them Tom Cordaro, of Pax Christi, a Catholic organization operating out of the Joliet Diocese, and Stephanie Downs Hughes of the DuPage Peace Through Justice Coalition.

 According to Hughes, the terrorists should be brought to justice in an international court of law, not have a war waged against them.

Why would an international organization of terrorists like al-Qaida give itself up peacefully to anyone to be prosecuted? Has there ever been a terrorist organization in history that voluntarily laid down its arms for such a deal? How do people come up with such absurdity?

And even if such terrorists were captured, why would the U.S. give them up to an international court made up of judges from the very countries that gave the terrorists a place to hide and train?

Hughes further claims that Americans are woefully ignorant. Are the Israelis ignorant? Have they taken a pacifist, turn-the-other cheek posture to terrorists because of their firsthand experiences with the "culture, religion and politics of the Middle East"?

Cordaro claims that the U.S. has a terribly flawed foreign policy. "Every time we fight evil, the blowback...is disastrous," he opines.

The al-Qaida terrorist organization has tried three times to kill the Holy Father. Does Cordaro perhaps think the Holy Father's mistakes in foreign policy are responsible for such blowback?

The al-Qaida is killing Catholics in the Philippines and East Timor, as Catholics are otherwise persecuted throughout the Islamic world. What mistakes in foreign policy have they made?

 The terror attacks on the World Trade Center and on civilians around the world have nothing to do with foreign policy errors of the United States.

The terrorists want to kill. They kill indiscriminately. They kill Moslems as well as Jews and Catholics. They want to kill Tom Cordaro and Stephanie Hughes, not because they did anything wrong, but because of where they live-sort of like abortion.

 I think it is high time our bishop put a muzzle on Pax Christi.

George Kocan