Join the DuPage Peace Through Justice Coalition for a

Peace Vigil

Saturday, July 20, 2002
1:30-3:00 p.m.
Downtown Naperville
(on Washington, near Chicago Avenue)

The DuPage Peace Through Justice Coalition will hold a peace vigil to call attention to the loss of innocent lives in Afghanistan as a result of US military action, to oppose expansion of the war to Iraq, Colombia, and the Philippines, and to voice concern over the erosion of civil liberties.

Please join us!

The purpose of the DuPage Peace Through Justice Coalition is multifaceted: to promote nonviolent solutions to terrorism, to call on members of Congress to protect civil liberties, and to provide a public forum to present alternatives to war and education on cross cultural issues. The Coalition is made up of people from diverse ethnic, racial, religious and cultural backgrounds united in their belief that war is not the answer to terrorism. Delegates from the coalition have met Representative Judy Biggert and with the office of US Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert to discuss alternatives to current US actions in Afghanistan. For more information about the past or planned activities of the Coalition, please visit the DuPage Peace Through Justice Coalition website at:

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