The following action items from the Friends Committee on National
Legislation (FCNL) focus on federal policy issues currently before Congress
or the Administration.


HELP PREVENT WAR WITH IRAQ: This week, under mounting international
pressure, the government of Iraq said it would allow UN weapons inspections
to resume without conditions, reversing its previous position. The head of
the UN inspection team (UNMOVIC), Hans Blix, quickly met with Iraqi
officials to begin making arrangements for the return of the inspectors.
The Bush Administration dismissed the Iraqi offer, saying it was just
another ploy to stall for time and thwart united action by the UN Security
Council (UNSC). The Administration is continuing to press the UNSC to adopt
a new resolution that would require Iraq to come into compliance with UNSC
resolutions soon or face the consequences.

In Washington, President Bush is pressing congressional leaders to vote
quickly - not to wait for the UNSC to act - on a joint resolution that would
grant the President broad authority to take action against Iraq as he deems
necessary and appropriate, with or without the cooperation of the UN.
Congressional leaders agreed to vote on a resolution before they recess for
the election. The Administration is expected to send its proposed draft
resolution to the Hill this week (by 9/20). The final language, which will
likely differ from the Administration's draft, will be hammered out in the
coming days. A House vote is expected next week, and the Senate is likely
to vote shortly thereafter.

ACTION: (1) Please write to your representative. (See below for link to
sample letter.) (2) On Monday afternoon, Sept. 23, please call your
representative and encourage all your friends to do so as well. (See below
for information on contacting members of Congress.)

The message for both the letter and the call should be to urge your
representative to oppose the war resolution. There is no need to rush a
congressional resolution concerning war with Iraq. This is a matter for the
UN Security Council to act upon, first. UN weapons inspectors should be
given a chance to complete their task without interference from either the
Iraqi or U.S. government. Urge your representative to support, at a
minimum, resolution language that (1) opposes unilateral U.S. military
action to overthrow the Iraqi regime, (2) supports resuming and completing
UN weapons inspections, and (3) insists that this matter be addressed by the
UN Security Council through peaceful means.

letter posted in our Legislative Action Center, personalize the language,
then email or fax your message directly from our site. You can also print
it out and mail it. To view the sample letter, click on the link below,
then enter your zip code and click <Go> in the <Take Action Now> box. Here
is the link: http://capwiz.com/fconl/issues/alert/?alertid=530051&type=CO

SEPTEMBER 30 EMERGENCY LOBBY DAY: Come to Washington, DC on Monday,
September 30 for an emergency Lobby Day to stop the rush toward war.
Organize a delegation from your state or district. Be sure to make
appointments with your members in advance. A briefing and materials will be
provided. For additional information and to register, please link to
http://epic-usa.org/lobbydays/ or call Anna Staab at FCNL (800-630-1330,
ext. 114). This Lobby Day is a joint effort of FCNL, NETWORK - A National
Catholic Social Justice Lobby, Peace Action, MoveOn.org, WAND, and the
Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC). If you are unable to make it to
Washington, please call your elected officials that day or make an
appointment with the district office near you.

1. The government of Iraq does not pose an imminent threat to the U.S.
2. A preemptive, unilateral U.S. military strike against Iraq will undermine
efforts to bring to justice those who helped carry out the attacks of
September 11, 2001 and hinder efforts to reduce acts of international
3. The U.S. and the UN have not exhausted all alternatives to war.
4. Few in the U.S. or around the world support preemptive, unilateral U.S.
military action against Iraq.
5. A preemptive attack against Iraq will set a dangerous precedent which
others may follow.
6. War in Iraq risks a humanitarian disaster.
7. There is no guarantee that the next regime in Iraq will be any better
than the current one with respect to democracy, human rights, disarmament,
or maintaining peaceful relations with its neighbors.
8. A unilateral attack would force the U.S. to bear the full costs of war.
9. The U.S. has a dismal record on picking allies and installing democracies
in other countries.
10. International pressure can effectively deter Saddam Hussein from acts of
military aggression.

For more background information about the Administration's efforts to expand
the war with Iraq, please go to the Iraq index page on FCNL's web site


Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121

Sen. ________
U.S. Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Rep. ________
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Information on your members is available on FCNL's web site:


White House Comment Desk: 202-456-1111
FAX: 202-456-2461
E-MAIL: president@whitehouse.gov
WEB PAGE: http://www.whitehouse.gov

President George W. Bush
The White House
Washington, DC 20500
This message supplements other FCNL materials and does not reflect FCNL's
complete policy position on any issue. For further information, please
contact FCNL.

Mail: 245 Second Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-5795
Email: fcnl@fcnl.org
Phone: (202) 547-6000
Toll Free: (800) 630-1330
Fax: (202) 547-6019
Web: http://www.fcnl.org

Your contributions sustain our Quaker witness in Washington. We welcome
your gifts to FCNL, or, if you need a tax deduction, to the FCNL Education
Fund. You can use your credit card to donate money securely to FCNL through
a special page on FCNL's web site http://www.fcnl.org/suprt/indx.htm
FCNL also accepts credit card donations over the phone. For more
information about donating, please contact the Development Team directly at
development@fcnl.org. Thank you.
This message may be found regularly on FCNL's web site http://www.fcnl.org
where a printer-friendly version is available and on PeaceNet in the
fcnl.updates conference.

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