Over 300 March & Stand for Peace with Signs & Songs-Roosevelt at County Farm Road

By Stephanie Downs Hughes

Prevention of future terrorism by military action will not work. It's like ridding a lawn of dandelions by kicking off their white, fluffy heads: You leave the roots intact to sprout again. And you spread the seeds (of more terrorism and trouble). (I borrowed but also bent this metaphor from Heather Hamilton, Board Secretary of the Campaign for UN Reform).

The United States of America should join with all 189 members of the United Nations to do it differently -- comprehensively: Try the terrorist perpetrators and rid the world of the oppression and injustice that breeds terrorism.

Dealing with the terrorist attacks of 9/11/01 should not be an occasion to revert to war. We should be using the progress that human kind has made! In the past several hundred years, civil society has developed "due process" through law for seeking justice. And over the past 50 years, the United Nations have laboriously hashed out accords -- accords that establish standards for civilized, peaceful coexistence and mutual security.

The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights outlines freedoms that nations agree individuals everywhere deserve. Various arms of the UN make constructive provisions. The UN cares for the global environment and public health. The UN aids victims of famine and war. The World Court and International Criminal Court are developing nicely. Well before the horrific events of 9/11, the UN was well along in scoping out 12 programs for foiling terrorism -- because terrorism has been a growing problem in various places.

The United Nations is a precious human creation that we need to acknowledge and utilize in this time of trial.

Unfortunately, Jesse Helms has chaired the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee for a long time. Under his lead, the USA has been a reluctant, self-centered, and domineering participant in the United Nations. Helms and fellow ultra-conservatives have wanted "the world's only super power":

Right wing legislators have seen to it that the USA has not paid its dues to the UN on time or in full. Conservative extremists have led the way to keeping the USA from participating in UN planning and agreements. Conservatives have said "No" to control ng air pollution and discrimination and to establishing protections for children and the Permanent International Criminal Court.

However, the many moderates are grateful that the UN has moved patiently ahead even without much help from a key founder of the UN -- the USA.

Jesse Helms will soon to be leaving the Senate. But he still is trying to weaken the UN. He has tried repeatedly to attach amendments to US legislation that would deny funding for USA participation in UN preparatory meetings. This crazy ASPA amendment a o would deny funding for USA participation in the International Criminal Court. To pass this, of course, would be foolhardly and foolish.

In the aftermath of 9/11, George Bush is realizing that to have a coalition he does not so much need to build it as simply join it! The USA should start again to genuinely participate in and cooperate with what the UN has been doing with remarkable success, even without as much help as it wanted from the USA.

A civilized campaign against terrorism has at it's heart two key things: 1) negotiation to meet the needs of all and 2) the rule of law. Through negotiation and law justice is pursued to produce peace that can last. This is the hope for a future different from the war-ridden past.

A first order of business after 9/11 should have been open and well publicized negotiations as to which courts would be used to seek, apprehend and try the terrorists who have crossed borders: NY & DC or the U.S. Supreme Court, the World Court, the Intenational Criminal Court?

The USA must use legal systems -- like all nations should. Do we want to establish an example of "vigilantism" for other groups and nations to follow? "Wanted dead or alive" is a policy that will work for the civilized world only if a duly empowered court of law authorizes it. And accused criminals can tried in absentia, when need be.

It is never too late to set things right. The USA should work out within the UN which courts will be used, when, how and why -- and what added measures may be needed to expand and facilitate the work of the appropriate courts and cooperating agencies.

The media should air and explain all this. We desperately need media help in understanding world history and our options. Review for us how governments, corporations and alliances have functioned over time -- sometimes is ways proven productive and sometimes in ways counter- productive.

We in the USA need to "come clean" to ourselves and others about USA actions well meant but that had negative consequences. We can learn from history and not repeat mistakes. The Bush administration and future administrations should provide leadership in this especially .

General George C. Marshall once said that "U.S. policy must not be directed against any country or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos." Let's follow his lead once again: Let's stop now blowing off the heads of the dandelions, scattering the seeds of resentment and anger. Let's weed out the terrorists and also dig down to the root causes -- deprivation and injustice. By forsaking war and using intelligence and cooperation, tolerance and sharing, law and negotiation, we can be more fair -- and build peace that can last.

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Post Script that could be spoken by Some Other Coalition Leader

The name and the method of this Coalition make sense: we are the DuPage Peace through Justice Coalition. We hope it will grow on you, grow for you and grow with you.

Welcome to our crowd! In a few minutes, please join the march and the stand for Peace through Justice along Roosevelt Road.

If you want to be invited to future meetings and events of the DuPage Peace Through Justice Coalition, write your name, phone number and email address down and it give to one of us.

Thank you for being here. You, too, are a patriot and we are compatriots in seeking peace through justice.(Wave shirt bearing the USA flag.)

Stephanie Downs Hughes, Ph.D.
916 Royal Blackheath Ct.
Naperville IL 60563-2304