A Call to President Bush and Congress:
End the War; Protect Civil Liberties!

According to news reports, 3,767 Afghan civilians were killed in the first 60 days of U.S. bombing. In the U.S., there is a frightening drive to repression. Foreign born residents have been arrested and jailed for months without criminal charges. There’s open talk of using torture to extract confessions. The so-called PATRIOT Act has given the police expanded powers to search our homes, tap our phones, and read our e-mail.

We were shocked and horrified by the September 11 attacks, and we want to see the perpetrators brought to justice. But we do not want innocent people killed, and we do not want civil liberties weakened. We call on President Bush and Congress to (1) Immediately end U.S. military actions in Afghanistan and abandon any plans to expand the war. (2) Ask the U.N. Security Council to establish an international tribunal with the authority to apprehend and bring to justice those responsible for the 9/11 attacks. (3) Repeal the PATRIOT Act and rescind the directive authorizing military tribunals. (4) Shift priorities from the military to people’s needs.

As Dwight D. Eisenhower said, "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed." The people of Afghanistan are not the only ones being hurt by the war. The people of the U.S. are being hurt too. We say, end the war now!




This call was drafted by the DuPage Peace Through Justice Coalition and paid for by the individuals above. If you agree with this call and would like to support the DuPage Peace Through Justice Coalition, please send a contribution to PO Box 494, Winfield, IL 60190. For more information, please visit our web site (http://DuPagePeace.home.att.net/).