a call for peace in Palestine

Personal accounts from the Palestinian Refugee Camps

…a FREE Public Forum


Sunday, September 29, 2002


College of DuPage

K Building West Commons, Glen Ellyn


Come and hear about the struggle for peace in the Holy Land


Deanna Boyd spent 3 weeks in April 2002 in Israel/Palestine as part of a delegation for Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT), an ecumenical organization begun in the 1980s by Mennonites, Quakers and the Brethren. CPT train teams of peacemakers in the techniques of nonviolent action, public witness and testimony for intervention in violence-torn societies throughout the world

While in Israel/Palestine, Deanna was with Palestinian families whose homes were demolished by Israeli troops either for land confiscation or collective punishment. She moved through checkpoints and roadblocks, and lived under city closures and curfews that strike at the dignity of every Palestinian. She was also on Jaffa Street in West Jerusalem shortly after a suicide bombing.

She also witnessed reason for hope. Many Israeli and Palestinian Human Rights Groups with whom she worked, including B’tselem, Gush Shalom, Ta’ ush, Peace Now, Women in Black, International Solidarity Movement and Israeli Coalition Against Home Demolitions, are pointing the way towards a just peace.

Directions: Take Lambert Rd. (1mi. W. of IL Route 53 & 2 mi. E. of Naperville Rd.)

North from Butterfield Rd., or South from Roosevelt Rd. to Fawell Blvd (formerly 22nd St.)

At Fawell Blvd in Glen Ellyn, turn West. Then turn left (South) into parking lot entrance. Park and walk to the K Building. Take the 1st entrance to the right and follow signs for the West Commons room.

This event sponsored by Women’s Outreach Committee of Naperville,

And co-sponsored by: DuPage Peace Through Justice Coalition, American Friends Service Committee, Islamic Center of Naperville, and others…