Steppenwolf Theatre Company 
Arts Exchange

World Set Free
by Bryn Magnus
directed by Hallie Gordon

It's the spring of 1942; the world is on the brink of atomic power, and
a unique collection of scientists have gathered at the University of Chicago.
Their Mission: To produce the first controlled, self-sustaining nuclear
chain reaction. Join us as Leo Szilard and Enrico Fermi reveal the
truth about those top-secret controversial meetings.

March 1, 8, and 15 at 11:00 am
All seats $10
Call now! (312) 335-1650 or order online at
For more information on student weekday matinees or group sales, call
(312) 654-5629

Steppenwolf Theatre Company's Arts Exchange program presents theater to
students, teachers, families and seniors through professional
productions, workshops, and mentoring. Each season, the Arts Exchange
program introduces the work of a Chicago writer in dialogue with an
American classic thus offering a place where generational audiences can
discover and discuss the theatrical experience.