Coalition Past Activities

Friday, March 12, 2004; Just Views: Video Viewing and Sharing; 7:20 PM

Demonstrations & Dissent in our Democracy and Here in Chicago

The freedoms to congregate and to communicate permit the constructive, peaceful _expression of advocacy and dissent in our democracy. We will watch the documentary "Where We Stood" showing thousands in Chicago exercising these rights in March of 2003 trying to prevent the attack on Iraq. Now many midwesterners are planning to join in the Sat March 20, 2004 events to declare "The World STILL Says No to War": Rally at Downers Grove Train Station at 8:30 am; Train in at 9:40, Activities at Chicago Temple (77 W. Washington) and nearby Daley Plaza (WA at Clark) 10:30-Noon. Our post-video discussion will range broadly-- from what are lawful, safe and effective practices at protests to what have been unlawful police and security officer tactics -- including removing people with anti-administration-policy placards to so-called "free speech zones" far away from the press and public observation.

Sunday, February 29, 2004; Discussion Group; 7:00 PM;

The DuPage Peace through Justice Coalition invites you to... The 13th in a series of Community Discussions

Subject: The Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) and the Economic Roots of US Foreign Policy

In response to numerous requests, we will begin the new year by looking in more depth at the economic roots of US Foreign Policy and the “Wars against International Terrorism.” The first of the new series will be a discussion on the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA).

FTAA has been the focus of opposition by the anti-war movement, unions, environmentalists and others, to the government’s globalization strategy. Just as the Bush doctrine of “preventive” war is imposing neo-colonial regimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, so too the FTAA is a strategy to maintain US neo-colonialism in the Western Hemisphere.

In PART TWO we will follow up with the second part of the FTAA discussion. This discussion will examine the historical roots of the FTAA by analyzing the political, economic and military relations of the US to the rest of the hemisphere.

Sunday, February 15, 2004; Honk For Peace; Glen Ellyn; 2:00 PM

Members of the DuPage Peace Through Justice Coalition (DPTJC) and others will hold a "honk for peace" rally from 2:00-3:30 p.m. on Sunday, February 15, in Glen Ellyn. It will take place along Roosevelt Road in front of Trader Joe’s (680 Roosevelt Rd). Please join us with signs and banners calling on motorists to "honk for peace" in support of ending the U.S. occupation of Iraq and bringing the U.S. troops home now. If you plan on attending, or for more information, please email Paul Kreft at

Friday, February 13, 2004; Just Views: Video Viewing and Sharing; 7:20 PM

Probing Problems at Work Here & Abroad

Stay on for lively discussion following this free short videos triple-feature:

The Peace through Justice folks invite the public and you to mark your calender for all "second Fridays" in 2004, to bring friends, and to pass this notice along.

PTJ-JV Chair Stephanie Hughes 630/420-4233.

Sunday, January 25, 2004; Discussion Group; 7:00 PM;

The DuPage Peace through Justice Coalition invites you to... The 12th in a series of Community Discussions

Subject: The Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) and the Economic Roots of US Foreign Policy

In response to numerous requests, we will begin the new year by looking in more depth at the economic roots of US Foreign Policy and the “Wars against International Terrorism.” The first of the new series will be a discussion on the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA).

FTAA has been the focus of opposition by the anti-war movement, unions, environmentalists and others, to the government’s globalization strategy. Just as the Bush doctrine of “preventive” war is imposing neo-colonial regimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, so too the FTAA is a strategy to maintain US neo-colonialism in the Western Hemisphere.

In PART ONE we will review in detail the major elements of the US proposal for FTAA. We will also discuss the arguments in opposition to these proposals made by others in the world community.

Friday, January 9, 2004; Just Views: Video Viewing and Sharing; 7:15 PM

Free video, then view sharing: Military Myths--How the gov't recruits and rewards

For many 18-year-olds, the US military is their ticket to getting away from home, seeing something of the wider world, earning their way through college. Through this 45 ? minute video, we will consider how military promises mesh with reality throughout the lives of soldiers and veterans.

Contact person: Stephanie Hughes 630/420-4233

Friday, December 12, 2003; Just Views: Video Viewing and Sharing; 7:15 PM

The 2000 Election -- Stolen?

Friday, November 14, 2003; Just Views: Video Viewing and Sharing; 7:15 PM

Video #1 (30 minutes): A California journalist explores five instances of how elements of the US government government have misled the populace into war.

Video #2 (20 minutes): Students examine how 11 unanswered key questions about what happened on 9/11/01 indirectly led to war.

Contact person: Stephanie Hughes 630/420-4233

Sunday, November 9, 2003; Planning Meeting; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Sunday, October 26, 2003; Discussion Group; 7:00 PM;

Please note: We will be meeting this time at Chodri Khokhar's home: 1570 President Street Glendale Heights, IL 60139. Directions are below

Subject: “IRAN:Another Target in the So-called "War on Terrorism”

This discussion group meeting will focus on the ways in which the US is making preparations for war against Iran and "regime change" as part of the so called "War against Terrorism." The opening talk will explore the relationship between Iran and the US since the close of WWII. It will cover the methods and motives of US intervention in Iran.

(Previous discussions have outlined the real face of the so-called "war on international terrorism." Subjects addressed have included the extensive reach of the US war program, Iraq, Columbia, Palestine, the Korean Peninsula, Cuba, new nuclear weapons policies, distributive justice, loss of immigrant rights, and the reality of US occupation.)

DIRECTIONS: (Chodri Khokhar's home phone: 630-260-9910, Cell:630-400-5466)

  1. Take Route 355 North and Take North Ave.Exit,i.e., Route 64 (You may also take Route 53 to come to route 64)
  2. On North Av. (Route 64) Take Left (heading west)
  3. Come about 3 miles on Route 64 and Take Right on President Street, heading north (President Street is after Bloomingdale Road and Before Schmele Street)
  4. Come about one mile on President Street.
  5. 1570 President House is on your Left side. (cross street is Fullerton Ave. and across from house is Glenside Public Library)

Sunday, October 12, 2003; Planning Meeting; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Friday, October 10, 2003; Just Views: Video Viewing and Sharing; 7:15 PM

Subject: Columbine--Exploring the roots of violence.

Michael Moore's acclaimed documentary about the high school massacre goes beyond raising questions of the need for tighter gun control to probing cultures of guns and violence. Our discussion will explore connections between explosive tragedies domestic and transnational and the habits and policies that permit or enable or even induce them.

Sunday, September 28, 2003; Discussion Group; 7:00 PM;

SUBJECT:CUBA: Another Front in the So-called "War on Terrorism"

One feature of the so-called “war against international terrorism” is the stepped up offensive against Cuba and the Cuban people. The blockade has been intensified, greater restrictions have been put in place on Cuban travel and emigration, and the political and propaganda war against Cuba has reached new levels not seen since the Bay of Pigs Invasion. The discussion group will look at the features of US aggression against Cuba and its people. It will also look at the basis and roots of the 40 year conflict in order to examine the aims of the US government. There will be further discussion regarding how the Cuban people are resisting this aggression, and their accomplishments despite very difficult times.

Previous discussions have outlined the real face of the so-called "war on international terrorism." Subjects addressed have included the extensive reach of the US war program, Iraq, Columbia, Palestine, the Korean Peninsula, new nuclear weapons policies, distributive justice, loss of immigrant rights, and the reality of US occupation.

Friday, September 12, 2003; Just Views: Video Viewing and Sharing; 7:15 PM

Subject: History Behind Heartaches in Palestine/Israel Today

Our Peace through Justice Group & Coalition invite the public for free video-viewing followed by discussion on second Fridays monthly. It's educational entertainment -- we focus on the big social justice issues of our time. Mark your calendar ahead several months now!

Sunday, September 14, 2003; Planning Meeting; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Sunday, August 17, 2003; Discussion Group; 7:00 PM; The First United Methodist Church of Downers Grove

The DuPage Peace through Justice Coalition invites you to participate in the next of a series of discussion meetings about the burning issues of war and peace in today's world.
SUBJECT: “The Balance of Forces in the Struggle Against US Superpower Politics”

Under the signboard of the “war against international terrorism,” the US continues its aggression against other nations. There is an on-going occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, and the US is using its presence in those countries to threaten other nations in the region such as Iran and Syria. Military intervention in the Philippines and Columbia is being stepped up. “Regime change” is threatened against North Korea. Massive financial and military aid continues to Israel in conducting its occupation of Palestine.

At the same time, there is widespread opposition and resistance to the US superpower. For example, in Iraq and Afghanistan, US troops are coming under daily fire and the death tolls continue upward. These two wars are far from over; instead they have entered into a new stage of resistance to colonialism. In other countries, the opposition to US intervention escalates. It is in this environment that we have chosen our topic, “The Balance of Forces in the Struggle Against US Superpower Politics.”

Previous discussions have outlined the real face of the so-called "war on international terrorism." Subjects addressed have included the extensive reach of the US war program, Iraq, Columbia, Palestine, the Korean Peninsula, new nuclear weapons policies, loss of immigrant rights, and the reality of US occupation.

We look forward to your participation.

Sunday, August 10, 2003; Planning Meeting; 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area map.

Friday, August 8, 2003; Just Views: Video Viewing and View Sharing; 7:20 PM

Monthly on "Second Fridays" -- alternating Dramas & Documentaries on engaging, entertaining national & international issues of social justice. Place: DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church, 4 South 535 Old Naperville Road, Naperville IL 60563. Call Stephanie Hughes 630/420-4233 for further information. You are encouraged to bring friends and pass this notice along.

Subject: Animated Comedy: A Bug’s Life. Issues of coping with differences, threats.

Saturday July 19, 2003; Playlets & Poems for Peace through Truth and Justice; 4:00-8:30 pm

Chosen or written and read by local residents favoring fair, nonviolent, negotiated solutions to conflicts and terrorism. On the Naperville IL Riverwalk at Civic Plaza Free Speech Pavilion along Jackson between Webster and Eagle. Our assemblage will intrigue curious passersby to STOP and enjoy this free and engaging entertainment!

Here’s what’s in store: Come rain or shine -- to the covered, open-air pavillion for Dramatic Readings of Selected Peace Pieces -- some light, all stimulating: Poems and Short Plays about Truth and Justice and Genuine Democracy. Interspersed with conversation among audience and presenters. Offers of handouts on democracy, diversity, peacemaking . . . and Opportunity to learn about and sign on with co-sponsors: Diversity Dinners and DuPage Peace through Justice Coalition. See: &

Directions: Civic Plaza next to Dandelion Fountain is on Jackson between Webster & Eagle. It is behind and across the street from Nichols Public Library which is at 200 W. Jefferson Avenue, Naperville 60540-5374. You can put that address into your location-finder on the web! Free Parking Options in the area are several, such as: -Free parking lots are between Main and Webster on Jefferson and on Jackson. -A free parking garage is on Chicago Avenue just east of Washington.

Sunday, July 13, 2003; Planning Meeting; 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area map.

Friday, July 11, 2003; Just Views: Video Viewing and View Sharing; 7:20 PM

Monthly on "Second Fridays" -- alternating Dramas & Documentaries on engaging, entertaining national & international issues of social justice. Place: DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church, 4 South 535 Old Naperville Road, Naperville IL 60563. Call Stephanie Hughes 630/420-4233 for further information. You are encouraged to bring friends and pass this notice along.

Subject: Documentary: Hidden in Plain Sight. Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation/School of Assassins.

Sunday, June 22, 2003; Discussion Group; 7:00 PM; The First United Methodist Church of Downers Grove

The DuPage Peace through Justice Coalition invites you to participate in the next of a series of discussion meetings about the burning issues of war and peace in today's world.

SUBJECT: "The Reality of US Occupation"

We will look at how and why the US media promotes the occupation of Iraq as "liberation" and hides the reality of the repressive, anti-democratic, neo-colonial regime imposed through force of arms. Dr. Steve Macek, Communications Professor at North Central College and media critic, will join us. We will also discuss the banner being raised by increasing numbers of Iraqis demanding that the US end the occupation now.

Previous meetings of the DuPage Discussion Group have outlined the real face of the so-called "war on international terrorism." Subjects addressed have included the extensive reach of the US war program, Iraq, Columbia, Palestine, the Korean Pennisula, new nuclear weapons policies, and loss of immigrant rights.

We look forward to your participation.

Friday, June 13, 2003; Just Views: Video Viewing and View Sharing; 7:20 PM

Monthly on "Second Fridays" -- alternating Dramas & Documentaries on engaging, entertaining national & international issues of social justice. Place: DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church, 4 South 535 Old Naperville Road, Naperville IL 60563. Call Stephanie Hughes 630/420-4233 for further information. You are encouraged to bring friends and pass this notice along.

Subject: A South African family's apartheid struggle

Join in the free viewing of this poignant drama based on a true story of the first white woman to be sentenced to prison for anti-apartheid activities in South Africa. It's told from the perspective of her 13-year old daughter, who initially resents her parents' political activities but later comes to understand their struggle.

Sunday, June 8, 2003; Planning Meeting; 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area map.

Saturday, May 31, 2002; Chicago Teach-In; 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Building Democracy: Knowledge & Action in An Age of War & Repression

The Peace and Justice community of Chicago has joined together to organize a historic one-day educational event on Saturday, May 31st. During the last six months, we have mobilized tens of thousands of Chicagoans opposing war in Iraq and have helped to build the largest antiwar movement in the U.S. and the world since the Vietnam era. Now, we will come together to address critical questions about the role of the U.S. in the world, the changes in our society, and the future of the peace movement and to strengthen the relationships within the Chicago peace community by exchanging valuable skills and information.

With the Bush Administration having completed its preemptive invasion and begun settling into an occupation of Iraq, the Peace and Justice movement currently finds itself at a crossroads. We must address fundamental questions about the state of democracy here in the United State and worldwide, the future role of the U.S. in global politics, the erosion of our civil liberties, the status of the U.S. occupation of Iraq, and the future of the antiwar movement.

The Peace & Justice Teach-In 2003 will provide concerned individuals with an opportunity to discuss these important questions and to learn what we can do to create peace in the world. At the Teach-In, we will learn how to organize during a period of American occupation, to organize smarter, to make the connections between foreign policy and "domestic" issues, and unfortunately, to prepare to organize against the possibility of another U.S. war.

At the Teach-In, we will build connections with other individuals and groups of conscience in our communities. By coming together to discuss the pressing issues of our times, we will foster and deepen the relationships that permit our individual efforts to coalesce into the burgeoning global movement for peace and justice.

Mark your calendars today for this exciting community event featuring a variety of panel discussions, workshops on a wide array of issues, community meetings, and more! Registration for this all day event is only $10 for general admission and $5 for student/youth/low income. Everyone who pre-registers will receive a Free Lunch during the Teach-In. Complete details about the Teach-In and an online registration form are available at

Sunday, May 18, 2003; Planning Meeting; 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area map.

Friday, May 9, 2003; Just Views: Video Viewing and View Sharing; 7:20 PM

Monthly on "Second Fridays" -- alternating Dramas & Documentaries on engaging, entertaining national & international issues of social justice. Place: DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church, 4 South 535 Old Naperville Road, Naperville IL 60563. Call Stephanie Hughes 630/420-4233 for further information. You are encouraged to bring friends and pass this notice along.

Topic: The Long Road to War
Is the war on Iraq an end or a beginning of a series? This PBS Frontline documentary is newly purchased with donated funds from many of you. Thanks! It goes over the history of events and policy decisions that led to the attack on Iraq and that seem to be driving Bush administration insinuations of willingness to use military force elsewhere. This authoritative video will set the stage for our discussion of "What's down the road from Iraq? And what are various parties at interest doing about it?""

Sunday, April 27, 2003; Discussion Group; 7:00 PM; The First United Methodist Church of Downers Grove

The DuPage Peace through Justice Coalition invites you to participate in the next of a series of discussion meetings about the burning issues of war and peace in today's world.

SUBJECT: What Needs to be Done to Reduce Tensions on the Korean Penninsula?
Recent news stories are detailing the rising tensions between the US government and the government of the Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea). Unfortunately, most media coverage in the US has been extremely one-sided in the presentation of the simmering issues. Furthermore, the US government has already indicated that it believes North Korea is part of the "axis of evil" and therefore eligible for pre-emptive strikes (even using nuclear weapons). The moderator for this discussion will present a brief historical outline of US relations with the governments of the Korean pennisula in order to help people see the current situation in an historical perspective. He will also provide the "other side of the story" being left out of media coverage.

Saturday, April 12, 2003; A Peace Celebration; 7:00 PM - ? PM

Place: To be held at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area map.

Friday, April 11, 2003; Just Views: Video Viewing and View Sharing; 7:20 PM

Monthly on "Second Fridays" -- alternating Dramas & Documentaries on engaging, entertaining national & international issues of social justice. Place: DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church, 4 South 535 Old Naperville Road, Naperville IL 60563. Call Stephanie Hughes 630/420-4233 for further information. You are encouraged to bring friends and pass this notice along.

Topic: Serious & Satirical Perspectives on Iraq. Popular British TV satire will be the 52-minute lens through which we look at the current war on Iraq and the precursor British invasions of 1917, 1941 and 1991. A scholarly Brit will guide our discussion, which also will explore how various societies around the world are viewing this and other USA-led wars.

Sunday, March 30, 2003; Discussion Group; 7:00 PM; The First United Methodist Church of Downers Grove

The DuPage Peace through Justice Coalition invites you to participate in the next of a series of discussion meetings about the burning issues of war and peace in today's world.

SUBJECT: Persisting Violations of DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE Breed Terrorism & War. Explore how implementing eight canons of FAIRNESS can lead toward mutual security, peace and prosperity. Presenter and Discussion Leader: Stephanie Hughes, PhD Sociologist and UN Envoy, 630/420-4233.

We look forward to your participation.

Saturday, March 22, 2003; Say No to War Against Iraq; 1:00-3:00 PM

Friday, March 21, 2003; Protest Demonstration in Wheaton; 5:30 PM

A follow-up protest demonstration will take place at 5:30 p.m. on the South side of Roosevelt Rd, at the intersection of Roosevelt and County Farm Road in Wheaton, IL on the day after the bombing begins. A notice will be posted to the Coalition mailing list when the conditions for the response have been met. Bring signs, banners, and candles.

Thursday, March 20, 2003; Protest Demonstration in Wheaton; 5:30 PM

A protest demonstration will take place at 5:30 p.m. on the South side of Roosevelt Rd, at the intersection of Roosevelt and County Farm Road in Wheaton, IL on the day the bombing begins, with a follow-up protest at the same time and place the day after. A notice will be posted to the Coalition mailing list when the conditions for the response have been met. Bring signs and candles.

Saturday, March 15, 2003; Community Teach-In and Speak-Out; 1:00-5:00 PM

Place: North Central College, Heininger Auditorium, Naperville. Report: Teach-in discusses Iraqi, Palestinian issues

Friday, March 14, 2003; Just Views: Video Viewing and View Sharing; 7:20 PM

Monthly on "Second Fridays" -- alternating Dramas & Documentaries on engaging, entertaining national & international issues of social justice. Place: DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church, 4 South 535 Old Naperville Road, Naperville IL 60563. Call Stephanie Hughes 630/420-4233 for further information. Topic: Movie: Drama.

Sunday, March 9, 2003; Planning Meeting: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area map.

March 1, 8, and 15 at 11:00 am; World Set Free

Steppenwolf Theatre Company would like to announce their production of Bryn Magnus's World Premier play World Set Free. They state that the themes and content of this show are perfect for the visitors of the DuPage Peace Coalition website.

February 23, 2003; Discussion Group; 7:00 PM; The First United Methodist Church of Downers Grove; NEW LOCATION!

The DuPage Peace through Justice Coalition invites you to participate in the seventh of a series of discussion meetings about the burning issues of war and peace in today's world.

SUBJECT: Palestine.
Based on his studies and direct experience in Palestine, Barry Miller will be presenting the case for ending the occupation. In the summer of 2002, Barry joined a 13 member United Methodist delegation on a fact-finding tour to Palestine-Israel. While expressing concern about the violence affecting both sides in the conflict, the thrust of the trip was to understand the impact of the occupation on Palestinian civil life. The group visited Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Gaza City, refugee camps (Shuafat), Israeli human rights groups and many others. Barry also was involved in helping to rebuild Palestinian homes that have been illegally destroyed. Materials will be provided showing in what ways the occupation is in violation of International law. To illustrate his points, Barry will share his PowerPoint presentation.

Previous meetings of the DuPage Discussion Group have outlined the real face of the so-called "war on international terrorism." Subjects addressed have included the extensive reach of the US war program, Iraq, Columbia, new nuclear weapons policies, and loss of immigrant rights.

Saturday, February 15, 2003; March and Rally: Noon

No War on Iraq! Stop Attacking Immigrants! February 15th is an international day of protest against war on Iraq, with huge protests planned in New York, San Francisco and all the major capitals of Europe. It is also just 6 days before the "registration" deadline for many Pakistanis in the United States, the same "registrations" which led to the arrests of more than 1000 Iranians in Los Angeles a few weeks ago. Therefore the march will have BOTH an anti-war and anti-racist theme. Buses from around the city and suburbs are available for those interested. See
WHERE: 2200 W. Devon, Chicago, at the corner of Devon & Leavitt in the heart of Chicago's Pakistani community.
BUS FROM VILLA PARK: There will be a bus leaving from the Islamic Foundation in Villa Park for the rally in Chicago next Saturday. You can park in their lot and ride to the rally without having to worry about finding a place to park in Chicago. The bus will leave at 11:00 AM and return after the rally. Plan to arrive at the Islamic Foundation by 10:45 AM so that the bus can be loaded and ready to leave on time. Call Ali Miriani at (630) 674-5174 to reserve your place.
CONTACT INFO: Leaflets in English, Spanish and Arabic are available for downloading at; E-mail:

Saturday, February 15, 2003; Fox Valley Anti-war Event: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Fox Valley Citizens for Peace will hold a demonstration against the war on February 15th. On that day, people all over the world will be standing up against War in Iraq, and we want to bring that anti-war message to our own community and to be a visible presence here in the conservative suburbs.

From 11:00 AM till 1:00 PM, we will gather at Route 64 and First Avenue in St Charles, and line up along the bridge over the Fox River. Depending on how many of us there are, we may line both sides of the bridge. We will have signs and flyers.

Please spread the word, and invite others to join us. We want to co-ordinate this with similar efforts that will be going on in Chicago and in the other communities in Northern Illinois. Some of us may be attending other such demonstrations in neighboring communities at other times that weekend. Call 847-742-6602 for information or to make suggestions.

Eyewitness Report

Saturday, February 15, 2003; Car Pool From Naperville to St. Charles: 10:15 AM

This announcement is for people who may wish to carpool from Naperville to St. Charles IL to join the demonstration against the imminent Bush-administration-led Attack on Iraq.

Meet on Saturday Feb 15 at 10:15 am in the parking lot of the DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church at 4 S 535 Old Naperville Road, Naperville 60563. To get there, go to the intersection of Naperville Road and Diehl, then proceed east on Diehl one block, turn south (left) and see the Church lot on your right.

Bring family and friends! Wear warm head, foot, hand and body gear -- and, if you wish, a sign or meaningful costume. Check our website for inspiration on "Slogans for Signs"! Some posters and banners will be provided if you cannot make your own. If you have extra signs, or can make photocopies of your original, please bring them! Urgent communications from 10:15am - 2pm only on Feb 15 may be made via cell phone 630/747-0687. If possible, bring your own cell phone and water bottle, print out from the website and map. Car sharers will stay together so they can confer. We hope to see many, many of us there!

Friday, February 14, 2003; Just Views Education: 7:20 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church, Naperville. Topic: Movie: TBA. A documentary about El Salvador.

February 9, 2003; Planning Meeting: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area map.

January 26, 2003; Discussion Group; 7:00 PM; Moats' Manse

The DuPage Peace through Justice Coalition invites you to participate in the sixth of a series of discussion meetings about the burning issues of war and peace in today's world.

Previous meetings of the DuPage Discussion Group have outlined the real face of the so-called US "war against international terrorism" in Iraq, Columbia, Nuclear Weapons policies, etc. Another side of this aggressive war is the assault on US immigrants. The next discussion group will review the increasing terrorism by all levels of government on the immigrant community here at home. This stepped up persecution of immigrants will be put in historical perspective and in light of modern conceptions of human rights, democracy and civil liberties.

January 12, 2003; Planning Meeting: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We met at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area map. Minutes.

January 10, 2003; Just Views Education: 7:20 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church, Naperville. Topic: Movie: TBA. A feature film about ElSalvador.

December 13, 2002; Just Views Education: 7:20 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church, Naperville. Topic: Movie: TBA. A documentary featuring noted historian and activist, Howard Zinn.

December 8, 2002; Planning Meeting: TBA PM

Place: We will meet at a location TBA immediately following the demonstration.

December 8, 2002; Honk for Peace vigil; 2-4 PM; Lombard

This action will be held in conjunction with other local actions throughout Chicagoland. Details are on the flyer. Daily Herald Coverage.

November 24, 2002; Discussion Group; 7:00 PM; Moats' Manse

The DuPage Peace through Justice Coalition invites you to participate in the fifth of a series of discussion meetings about the burning issues of war and peace in today's world.

While the US moves closer to an invasion of Iraq, the world-wide opposition to US policies in that region is growing. The next discussion group will review recent international developments regarding Iraq for the purpose of analyzing and assessing the balance between the anti-war and pro-war camps. Special attention will be paid to exposing the tactics the US government is using to try and overcome its isolation. We expect that this review of the current situation will help us to have a fruitful discussion of the strategy and tactics necessary for us to employ in building the anti-war movement.

November 10, 2002; Planning Meeting: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area map.

November 8, 2002; Just Views Education: 7:20 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church, Naperville. Topic: Movie: This month's film is generally regarded not only as a masterpiece of filmmaking, but as one of finest anti-war films ever produced. While subtle in its approach to political issues of the day, including the ensuing World War and German anti-Semitism to mention a few, the film leaves an indelible mark. (Unfortunately, because of copyright restrictions, we can't advertise the film's title.)

October 13, 2002; Planning Meeting: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area map.

October 11, 2002; Just Views Education: 7:20 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church, Naperville.  Topic: Movie, Hidden Wars Of Desert Storm

October 6, 2002; Not In Our Name Protest; 1:00 PM; Tribune Plaza

Gather at 435 N. Michigan Avenue, just north of the Chicago River.

On October 7, 2001 U.S. bombs began dropping on Afghanistan, killing thousands and signaling the beginning of the "war on the world". Protests nationwide will mark the one-year anniversary. Over the past year we have witnessed widning military intervention, roundups of immigrants and drastic restrictions on civil liberties. The U.S. government claims all this is being done for "our" security.

On October 6th and 7th, 2002, we will send a message that the government does not speak for all the people here, that we refuse to allow these atrocities to be committed in our name, and that we pledge to resist and to stop this course.

October 5, 2002; CELEBRATE LIFE -- OPPOSE WAR; 1-3pm; DuPage County Complex, Bldg. 421, South Lot

Flyer; The County Center Complex is east of County Farm Road, north of Roosevelt Road on the southwest side of Wheaton. ; Building 421 is labeled "Administration Building".

Story in the Daily Herald

September 30, 2002; Emergency Lobby Day at Local Congressional Offices

United for Peace and FCNL

September 29, 2002; Deanna Boyd Peace for Palestine Event;12:30 PM; College of Dupage

September 28, 2002; Take Back the Night; 5:00 - 9:00 PM; Naper Settlement

We will be staffing a table with information and petitions at this community event.

September 26, 2002; Demonstration at Rep. Hastert's Office in Batavia

Dave Martin's Report; Courier News Report; Kane County Chronicle Report

September 25, 2002;Emergency Call for Religious Voices in Washington!

September 22, 2002; Discussion Group; 7:00 PM; Moats' Manse

The DuPage Peace through Justice Coalition invites you to participate in a series of monthly discussion meetings about the burning issues of war and peace in today's world.

The next Discussion Group will look at one ominous development in the so-called war against terrorism: the increasingly belligerent Nuclear Weapons policy devised by the Bush Administration. This policy not only poses grave risks to the people of particular countries, it will also increases the likelihood of all out nuclear war.

We look forward to your participation.

September 13, 2002; Just Views Education: 7:20 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church, Naperville.  Topic: Movie, "Salt of the Earth"

Ended September 9, 2002; Register your opinion on proposed US military action in Iraq

Here's something for constituents of Judy Biggert. Visit her web site at . On the right hand side you will find a poll. "If the U.S. military took action to end aggressive efforts by Iraq to develop weapons of mass destruction, how would you react? We understand that the wording may contain assumptions with which you may not agree, but you get the general idea. Vote now!

September 8, 2002; 9-11 Commemoration; 7:00 - 8:30 PM; Naperville Riverwalk

We act in solidarity with September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows.  See the United For Peace site for further details of the nationwide commemoration.

Coverage in the Daily Herald.

September 2, 2002; Planning Meeting: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area map.

August 13, 2002; Lobby Rep. Dennis Hastert.

A delegation, including DPTJC members, met with an aide from Dennis Hastert's office.

August 11, 2002; Planning Meeting: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area map.

August 9, 2002; Just Views Education: 7:20 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: DuPage Unitarian UniversalistChurch, Naperville.  Topic: The movie "Berkeley in the '60s"

July 28, 2002; Discussion Group; 7:00 PM; Moats' Manse

The DuPage Peace through Justice Coalition invites you to participate in the third of a series of monthly discussion meetings about the burning issues of war and peace in today's world.

Before September 11, Columbia received more US military aid than any country in Latin America.  Since September 11, the US has stepped up both military aid and insertion of U.S. troops.  To justify these actions, the government is subjecting the American public to a continuous stream of propaganda designed to legitimize US military intervention.  This propaganda conceals the causes and motive forces of the struggle, as well as the real aims of the US and its role as the organizer of fascism and war in Columbia.  Join us to get at the facts and analysis of what is going on in Columbia today.

We look forward to your participation.

July 20, 2002; Honk For Peace: 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Join us at a peace vigil on Saturday, July 20th in Naperville. It will take place in downtown Naperville on Washington near Chicago Avenue. The purpose of this event is to call attention to the loss of innocent lives in Afghanistan as a result of US military action, oppose expansion of the war to Iraq, Colombia, and the Philippines, and to voice concern over the erosion of civil liberties.

It was hot but over 20 persons showed up.  We got many honks!

July 14, 2002; Planning Meeting: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area map.


July 12, 2002; Just Views Education: 7:20 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church, Naperville.  Topic: The movie "Romero"

June 30, 2002; Discussion Group; 7:00 PM; Moats' Manse

   The DPCoalition invites you to participate in the second of a series of monthly discussion meetings about the burning issues of war and peace in today's world.   The second meeting will present facts and analysis of the continuing war waged by the U.S. against the people of Iraq.  This meeting is of particular importance now.  Those who profit by war and the forces of chauvinism and rabid jingoism are trying to create public opinion to support an invasion of Iraq early next year. It is our job to create public opinion, by bringing facts and analysis to bear, against this war.
   We look forward to your participation.

June 14, 2002; Just Views Education: 7:20 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church, Naperville.  Topic: The movie "The Good Fight"

June 9, 2002; Public Forum; College of DuPage (Rm. 1450 Student Resource Center); 7:00 PM

Two-time Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Kathy Kelly, with Jeff Guntzel of Voices in the Wilderness Campaign (Chicago) traveled to Israel & Palestine during the recent Israeli offensive into the West Bank.  At great peril & over considerable obstacles by the Israeli Defense Force, Kelly and Guntzel succeeded in entering the Jenin Refugee Camp in the days immediately following the Israeli siege.  They  will relay their own experiences, as well as testimonies of Palestinian civilians who endured tremendous violence during the destruction of the Jenin Refugee Camp.

June 2, 2002; Planning Meeting: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area map.  Minutes.

May 26, 2002; Discussion Group; 7:00 PM; Moats' Manse

    It has been suggested that the first discussion meeting look at the general features of the war against terrorism and how the U.S. is attempting to justify its aggression.  Other meetings can look into specific features of the U.S. war program:  Iraq, Columbia, Palestine, the military budget, Nuclear weapons policy, etc.  Of course each session can also devote time to current issues being headlined by the media.
   Our first meeting was a big success.  After a presentation about the extent and breadth of U.S. military interventions just since 9-11, many people contributed their comments and expressions against this "war without end."  A strong feeling of standing together against US war-making prevailed as we exhanged different views and analyses about the features and causes of the war program and how to build the struggle for peace.

May 18, 2002; Public Forum: 1:00 PM

America, Justice and Global Citizenship with Douglass Cassel, USA Foreign Relations Expert specializing in the UN.
Place: College of DuPage, Room IC 3125 in Glen Ellyn IL.  Details.  Poster.

May 10, 2002; Just Views Education: 7:20 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church, Naperville.  Topic: The movie "Missing"

May 5, 2002; Planning Meeting: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area mapMeeting notes.

April 19-22, 2002; March on Washington DC:  Local Information.

Reports of the march:

April 14, 2002; Planning Meeting: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area map. Meeting notes.

April 12, 2002; Just Views Education: 7:20 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: DuPage Unitarian Universalist Church, Naperville.  Topic: NOAM CHOMSKY - THE NEW WAR ON TERRORISM

March 24, 2002; Planning Meeting: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area map.

March 15, 2002; Peace Vigil: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

The Hastert for Congress Committee will have its annual spring cocktail reception fund-raiser at Walter Payton's Roundhouse in Aurora.  Details and Directions.

March 10, 2002; Planning Meeting: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area map.

March 3, 2002; Planning Meeting: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area mapMeeting Minutes.

February 22-24, 2002; 2002 Conference on Justice and Global Security

February 10, 2002; Planning Meeting: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area mapMeeting Munutes.

February 7, 2002; Signature Advertisement

College of DuPage Dialog on Global Terrorism Schedule - revised 1/29/02

Tuesday, Feb 12 Noon - 1:30pm SRC 2800 D-F Terrorism & Violence:  Various Perspectives Chuck Ellenbaum
Wednesday, Feb 27 6- 7:30pm Room: tbd, call 942-3079 to confirm Tentative:  additional evening session same as above Same as above
Tuesday, March 5 Noon - 1:30pm SRC 2800 G Islam, Gender & Social Change Eva Raepple, Dina Rashed, Carol Riphenburg
Wednesday, April 3 Noon - 1:30 PM SRC 2800 D-F Global Intelligence Operations
Tuesday, May 7 Noon -1:30pm MAC Mainstage US Foreign Policy in Troubled Regions The Honorable Senator Paul Simon
Tuesday, June 4 Noon-1:30 MAC - Mainstage New Global Realities Marshall Bouton, President of Chicago Council for Foreign Relations

For information please call Zinta Konrad, (630) 942-3079 or e-mail

January 8, 15, 22, 29, 2002; Terror and War Education Series:

Presented from 7:00 to 8:30 PM on Tuesdays at Lombard Memmonite Church and the York Center Church of the Brethren.  See the flyer for details.

January 27, 2002; Planning Meeting: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area mapMeeting Notes

January 13, 2002; Planning Meeting: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We will meet at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  The church is at 13th and Luther, one block south of Roosevelt and two blocks east of Meyers Road.  See the detailed map and the area mapMeeting Notes

January 4, 2002; Benefit Concert: 8:45 PM - 11:00 PM

Renowned folk singer Dave Martin will be playing and singing at the Two Way Street Coffee House, 1047 Curtiss St. in Downers Grove (area map, detailed map).  Note that Highland Avenue becomes Main Street in Downers Grove.  See the flyer for details.   You can print it out or download it (, Save As:) as you please.

The event was a sold out and a huge success. An estimated 90 people attended and had a great time. More than $600 was collected for the sign-on advertisement.

Ramadan Truce

December 30, 2001; Planning Meeting: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Place: We met at the York Center Church of the Brethren.  Agenda items included the signature ad, benefit concert, and education events.

December 16, 2001 Silent Vigil: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Place and Time

We will assemble at the small parking lot on the northwest corner of Washington and Benton streets in downtown Naperville at 3:00 PM.  If you can't read the map or need better directions, call (630) 355-5023.  This peaceful, mostly silent vigil will be nondisruptive.  Vigilers will remain on the sidewalk in a single file and will not impede either pedestrians or motorists.  The vigil will last one hour.

News Stories and Editorials

December 16, 2001 Coalition Meeting: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Place and Time

After the vigil (~4:00 PM) we will walk to Wesley United Methodist Church which is at the northwest corner of Franklin and Center streets. Franklin is one block north of Benton and Center is one block east of Washington (see map). Please use the Center street entrance to the church.  Meeting Notes

Kevin's Talking Points used with Rep. Hastert's staff

December 2, 2001 Coalition Meeting:

Meeting Notes

November 10, 2001 Rally and Walk:


News Release

Banners and Signs



News Stories and Editorials

November 4, 2001 Coalition Meeting

Meeting Notes

October 14, 2001 Coalition Meeting

Meeting Notes

October 7, 2001 Stop the Bombing Protest: Villa Park Islamic Center